the uk blog of recycled news, gadget tidbits, new media pipedreams, search engine marketing fluff and record collecting tales.

Thursday, May 26

About time too...

Well I've been talking about it for ages but bless me they are finally here, the teeshirts designed by yours truly are up for sale online. Its not a huge money making scheme but a plan to put people in touch with teeshirts they might like, a bit like a mission from god, if there were a god and he gave missions and stuff.

So to get to the store here's the link

secondhandnews tee shirt emporium

And feel free to leave comments and let us know what you think of them....

Sunday, May 8

Top Ten Reasons I Hate Zines

1. They are the output of self involved cliques of cunts

2. They don’t have the numbers of phone sex type people in the back blogs are better

3. Because the nme serves all my needs as a music publication as pete libertine is quite possibly a deity on earth

4. They think they are ironic

5. lo-fi is seen as synomous with cool

6. The photocopy ink gets my fingers slightly discoloured

7. They perpetuate the myth of an alternative scene existing

8. Richard and Judy paid for their funding by cheating on ‘you say we pay’

9. They like having lists

Just in case there's any TV Execs reading...

Been watching the Top 100 Singles on Channel 4 for about the tenth time but it did get me thinking, I'm as much of a sucker for these list/criticism shows as anyone but this watching it really got me thinking what a great concept for a show would be if there was a kind of cross between Top 100 best stuff ever and Newsnight Review.

I'd definately have Mark Kermode or James King on every week mixed up with other cool people, it would have to be on everyweek and Simon Amstel could present it but he would have to promise it would be better than the Morning After.

They could do interesting films and singles and albums maybe not opera though if they were kinda relevent that would be cool, like if you think of Newsnight review as a culture review show this would be more a kind of pop culture review show.

So how much mullah can i make olutta the idea then?

The Funniest Thing Evah...

Well till i find the next funny thing.

Right in the midst of two dissertations and a big ole essay due for friday so not much chatter coming from me but be sure to check out the link to birdparty on the side bar, basically the person behinds it sending emails to the pervs on dating forums and proceeds to seehow weird she can go before they freak out, plenty revelaing.

Plus its now got here getting in contact with the makers of the contraceptive sponge...