the uk blog of recycled news, gadget tidbits, new media pipedreams, search engine marketing fluff and record collecting tales.

Wednesday, February 18

home sweet home

a quick drive through the backwaters of sussex and surrey and i'm home
where hot water is plentiful, the fridge is never empty and i can have milk in my tea without fear of disentry...

all is good, so a few quiet days at home to ctahc up on some reading and to listen to xfm,

it really seems an extravagence to buy a dab radio so i can listen in brighton, but each time i hear the station it gets harder and harder not to buy one

at the moment thinking of going for a alarm clock dab thingymajig, the reasoning behind this is that at least then i can justify to myself buying one, even though it would prob be one of the most expensive alarms clocks about

anyhow rather cheerful today cause a few kind people have expressed an interest in maybe some experience

of course nothing concrete as yet, but nothing better than an email saying 'tell us about yourself' especial if you're as vain as me.....

Tuesday, February 17


i have been a bit lax havent i

this sites been up a while and i not really been making use of it
well after a plethora (or however its spelt) of personal shit its about time got my life in order right?

well a quick update on wahsts going on in kelvin-ville

about to knock up an article for uni paper about my star studded visit to the nme awards aftershow, where me one or two celebs and all the other music industry liggers of note qued for hours for bottle of carling, i mean really carling is bad enough but bottles
its just a bit of a joke

my flash animation course is starting to get pretty heavy, its getting to the moment of truth whether my own dreams of a brass eye style animations with gary glitter as a peado/fairytale bad guy is worth the possibility of a examiner backlash, i just don't have that true revoluntary spirit do i?

still the dj-ing is going well had a few weeks off, but can't wait to get back and it means the kids might have caught up enough to let me play NERD now....

bless them i love the way they go mental just sometimes i wish they'd be a bit more open minded still c'est la vie as someone french once said
